- Do you find you are turning your room thermostat higher and higher to stay warm ?
- Do you hear your boiler constantly running and then cutting out ? This could be because it is over-burdened and overheating !
- Or your radiators have cold spots and there is no air to bleed from them but they are cold at the bottom ?
If your system is a few years old, it is very likely that your heating system has built up sludge that collects in the radiators, drastically reducing system heating efficiency and ultimately, can damage your boiler.
- With today’s new high-efficiency boilers, running clean water through them is a must.
- Regular servicing only removes dry dirt and deposits from the inside of the boiler. The real problem is caused by a build-up of sludge in the radiators that circulates around the system, ultimately damaging your radiators and the inside of your boiler, leading to costly servicing and breakdown repairs.
- Your heating system’s efficiency is reduced, leading to high running costs.
Magnacleanse power flushing cleans the inside of your whole system – radiators, boiler & pipes – all in one easy process.